Personally, I have no idea how this song made it into the top 30.
The layering on this song is bad as well as the instruments are low quality. If this is supposed to be a for a video game, perhaps it could work. This work classifies more as a low quality 8 bit tune for a video game and strikes me as such material.
Some of the drum sequences are decent, but canned and recycled. The arpeggios are alright, but the tune itself fails to inspire or even capture the imagination much. With sub-mediocre work, and low quality synths this should not be a top 30 song.
For a beginner's work, it is not too bad, as you have a solid basic composition. You are right that the transitions are rough. That can be covered by using perhaps a break method, or you can work on fixing them.
You have the most basic of melodies, which is really nothing more than a backing track consisting of a drum track and bassline with a little bit of midline to support it.
There -is- enough of the right elements to consider this track as techno, but I would only consider this a first-fruit effort.
Understand I'm not trying to be harsh or anything.
What equipment/software did you use to make this track?